
The Heather Abbott Foundation is Heather’s commitment to “pay it forward.” The 2013 Boston Bombing on Marathon Monday gripped our nation. In the days and weeks that followed, thousands of people donated money to help all those who were injured that day. For Heather, that generosity made it possible for her to have two prostheses. One device that allowed her to wear high heals again – something that proved key to Heather’s emotional healing, and another that allowed her to run and paddle board again.

Most amputees aren’t so fortunate. Many are forced to give up the life they once knew because they can’t afford the prosthesis they need to get their life back.

Heather wants to change that – for all those who, like her, have lost a limb due to traumatic circumstances. Hers is a story of triumph over tragedy made possible through the kindness of strangers near and far. Now it’s Heather’s desire to do the same for others.