
Age: 23
Residence: Guston, KY
Prosthetic Donation: Eye shell prosthesis
Donation Partner: Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation & Hetzler Ocular Prosthetics

Dallas was 17-years old when his right eye was severely damaged by a toy arrow while playing with family members at Christmas time.  Although doctors were able to save the globe of the eye itself, the retina was detached leaving Dallas unable to see out of that eye as well as causing the eye to look discolored and disfigured.

Along with the Kentucky Lions Eye Foundation & Hetzler Ocular Prosthetics, HAF provided Dallas with the prosthesis he needed to have a right eye that closely matched how his left eye looks.  The smile on his face says it all, pictured here alongside a photo of his damaged eye.  We are so happy to provide this important device to Dallas, which takes the focus off of his damaged eye and onto the amazing young.